Monday, January 25, 2021

7th Lexi Music Award Recipients!

Our thanx go out to our media partner WLEX TV-18, our sponsors Highbridge Springs Water, Ale-8, and Botany Bay, and our venue partner The Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center for making this possible this year! Another huge thanx to everyone who voted - fans, pro panel, and nominees!

And now, the recipients of the 7th Lexi Music Awards are.....

Critics Choice Award:

Tahlsound Music Festival

Community Service Award:

Greg Thomerson - Blues Between the Bridges

Album of the Year:

The Break - Cody Lee Meece

Song of the Year:

A Black Man's Flowers - Devine Carama

We announced our Lifetime Achievement recipients earlier (They are T

om Martin, Gator Harrison, Walter Tunis, Les Taylor
) and details for the private presentation ceremony and broadcast will be released soon!

Thank you all for your continuing support!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your votes for Community Service Award for Blues Between The Bridges!
    All of the nominees are worthy of winning for their own hard work on their own endeavors.
    I am grateful,and remain humbled.
