Saturday, August 6, 2016

Awards Changes

From June 1 FB group post:

BIG keeping things moving forward and trying to improve, we're initiating several changes in the awards process (and in the Lexi-Fest series).

1) We're adding a "panel of experts" to ADD (not replace) to the nominees. Nominations will still be done by public vote, but a small and rotating list of industry folk (media, retail, musicians, etc) will add a "wild card" nominee to every category.

2) We're adding a few categories....including "album of the year" and "critics choice award" (this voted on by the aforementioned panel). Maybe more, if feasible.

3) I may trim back the Lexi-Fest gigs (or turning all but one or two over to others to organize and host). We'll have official criteria for everyone if YOU want to host a Lexi-Fest show.

Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions (pro or con)?

Let's discuss it!


From a later post, 2 relevant points:

4) Other changes in the awards we've "Best Album" category, an expert panel made up of a handful of industry folks (like some of last year's winners, which will disqualify them for 2017 awards, and others) to add a "wild card" entry in each category and possibly vote for a "critics choice award".
Said panel will change EACH YEAR.
5) It is likely we'll start the voting EARLY this year, with much more time for everyone to get the word out to other musicians, music fans, family/friends, and the like. Personally, I'd like to see 5000 votes this year in the nomination process.

1 comment:

  1. Among FB responses:

    David M. McLean Rick Warner - expert is the wrong word, really. Just industry folk. DJs, arts writers/editors, retail outlets, musicians....we'll figure a way to get a small (3-5) panel and change it every year. We'll likely make anyone who would normally be eligible for an award (like DJs, for example) ineligible for the year they sit on the panel.

    That's the thought, anywy. Your thoughts?
    Like · Reply · June 1 at 9:35am
    Bill Torsell
    Bill Torsell Great idea. WKQQ Homespun album back in the late 70s was done that way. BTW, would love to be on the panel.
    Like · Reply · 1 · June 1 at 2:22pm
    David M. McLean

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    Rick Warner
    Rick Warner Maybe consider Previous years winners ?
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · June 1 at 9:53am
    David M. McLean
    David M. McLean DAMN good idea!!!
    Like · Reply · June 1 at 9:53am
    David M. McLean
    David M. McLean Any ideas on CRUCIAL new categories?
    Like · Reply · June 1 at 9:57am
    Rick Warner
    Rick Warner Maybe broaden the promotional side of the business. Best social media/Web site ?
