Sunday, December 14, 2014

Time to NOMINATE!!!

PLEASE READ before voting.

First, our mission:

The LEXINGTON MUSIC AWARDS are designed to add cohesion and a true sense of community to the local & regional music scene; to help raise the "quality" bar; to educate artists and fans alike on what's going on in the whole music community; integrate Lexington into the wider (national) music scene; and much more.

OK....You'll get 4 pages: industry, style, performance, and special awards.

You get 3 choices in each category (5 in lifetime achievement). You do NOT have to use all 3 choices. You do NOT have to vote in each category. Do what feels right...what you know. No need to guess is areas you're unsure about.

Get your music peers involved. Get your friends & family involved. If your a musician, get your fans involved. The hard work is in the nominations. The voting, well...we'll discuss that soon enough.

Remember, this is for YOUR music community.


Not much.

Vote once (it only tracks one time anyway, so voting again is useless). Ask others to vote.

TWO of us behind the scenes are INELIGIBLE. Please don't vote for me (David McLean) or for Heather Parrish.

It's only active until early January, so let's get on it.

Is voting just for Lexington musicians? NO. Vote for anyone born in KY. Anyone residing in KY. Anyone who contributes heavily to the Lexington music scene, regardless of where they live or where they were born.

Yes, it is Lexington-centric, but no, it is not Lexington-exclusive.

Remember our mission, interpret as you see fit, and vote accordingly:

The LEXINGTON MUSIC AWARDS are designed to add cohesion and a true sense of community to the local & regional music scene; to help raise the "quality" bar; to educate artists and fans alike on what's going on in the whole music community; integrate Lexington into the wider (national) music scene; and much more.

NOMINATION BALLOT for the Lexington Music Awards.


  1. Even with the glitch (tech support fixed us right up) we've taken off like a bat outta hell!!!

  2. Just a little song I wrote
